Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Urgent Response Services (URS)
As part of the needs-based Ontario Autism Program (OAP), urgent responses services (URS) will provide time-limited services and supports for up to 12-weeks to respond rapidly to a specific, identified need to stabilize and prevent crisis and reduce the risk of harm to self, others and/or property.
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare has been named one of the 11 lead URS organizations across the province and is your URS contact for the communities of Bruce-Grey, Chatham-Kent, London-Middlesex, Huron-Perth, Oxford-Elgin, Sarnia-Lambton and Windsor-Essex.
At this time, we are well-positioned to take questions about the program while we continue to work toward expanding the service.
If you would like further information about the OAP URS Program, please contact us:
Call: 519-257-KIDS (5437)
Email: [email protected]
More information: Ontario Autism Program: urgent response services | ontario.ca