Regional Children's Centre Child, Youth, Family, and Caregiver Engagement
Regional Children’s Centre (RCC) Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH), is committed to working in partnership with children, youth, families, and caregivers to improve our services.
Regional Children's Centre Family and Caregiver Engagement
Parents and caregivers have a unique perspective, expertise and knowledge on ‘how things work’ that only families have.
Our goal is to:
- Co-create a family engagement model with clients, family members and/or their caregivers.
- To improve mental wellness for children and youth by engaging families as partners in planning, treatment and service delivery.
- Embed family engagement practices throughout the organizational culture through actively listening and learning from clients, family members and/or their caregivers.
- Ensure family engagement continues to be an ongoing priority.
If you are interested in applying to be a part of the RCC Family Engagement Committee, please complete the following form.
Kids in Partnership
What is Kids in Partnership?
We are a group of youth (8-12 years old) and adults working in partnership to engage kids in mental health services!
We support kids in having a voice:
- To reduce the stigma regarding mental health
- To promote mental wellness
- To impact mental health services

Crisis & Safety Information
For immediate risk to self or others, please proceed to Emergency at:
- Windsor Regional Hospital, Metropolitan Campus (0-15 years), 1995 Lens Ave., Windsor
- Windsor Regional Hospital, Ouellette Campus (16+ years), 1030 Ouellette Ave., Windsor
- Erie Shores Health Care (all ages), 194 Talbot St. West, Leamington
For urgent need to see a social worker, please attend the walk-in clinic at:
- Regional Children's Centre (0-17 years), 3901 Connaught St., Windsor - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
- Windsor Regional Hospital Walk-In Urgent Care (16+ years), 1086 Ouellette Ave. 1st Floor, Windsor - Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Erie Shores Health Care (13-17 years), Maryvale Clinic, 194 Talbot St. West, Leamington - Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Erie Shores Health Care (16+ years), Family Service Walk-In Counselling, 194 Talbot St. West, Leamington - Mondays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- WE Community Health Centre (all ages), call for hours (519) 253-8481
For 24 hour crisis phone supports:
- Community Crisis Centre (all ages) 24 Hour Crisis Line (519) 973-4435
- Kids Help Line 1-800-668-6868
- Distress Centre (12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.) (519) 252-1171
- LGBTQ Youth Line 1-800-268-9688