Cardiac Wellness
The Cardiac Wellness Program at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) located within the Petro Family Exercise Centre in the Dr. Fouad Tayfour Regional Rehabilitation Centre (Tayfour Building) provides medical, educational, exercise, nutritional, and psychosocial support for people with cardiac-related concerns.
If you have had a heart attack, bypass surgery, cardiac transplant, angioplasty, stable CAD/angina, unstable angina, valve replacement, congestive heart failure, or cardiomyopathy, within the past year, you are eligible for the program.
Our team can lead you towards a better understanding of your heart, medications, nutrition, exercise program, and stress management — all of which will guide you towards a healthy heart lifestyle.
You will be an active participant in your cardiac wellness journey. For six (6) months you join our team of professionals and work together to develop a plan of action that best fits your personal needs.
Your inter-professional team may include supervisory Physicians, Registered Kinesiologists, Registered Dietitians, Nurse Practitioners, and Social Workers.
This team will work closely together to provide you with exceptional healthcare throughout the duration of the program.
Referrals to the Cardiac Wellness Program must be made by a physician.
Cardiac Wellness services at HDGH are funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Services are provided without direct costs upon presentation of a valid OHIP card.
Central Registration
Upon arrival to HDGH please present to the Central Registration Department, prior to proceeding to your appointment. Central Registration is located within the main entrance, across from the Courtyard Café.
Please arrive 15 min before your appointment in order to allow enough time to register.
Cardiac Wellness
1453 Prince Rd.
Windsor, ON N9C 3Z4
519.257.5111 ext.72525
Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Home Work Outs
HDGH's Cardiac Wellness team has put together four videos to help our patients stay active when they aren't at our Exercise Centre. The videos feature warm up, strength training, standing exercises, and cool down.
Please note these videos are intended for our Cardiac Rehab patients that have been medically cleared for exercise.
Please stay alert of how you're feeling when exercising and stop any activity if you experience any symptoms. Slow down the rate of your exercise if you feel shortness of breath or have any discomfort. Work within your capabilities and modify the exercises as needed. Feel free to take rest breaks as needed during these videos.
To track your health even further, take your blood pressure before and after your workout.
Video #1: Warm Up
Video #2: Strength Training
Video #3: Standing Exercises
Video #4: Cool Down
Video #5: Resistance Bands
Video #6: Core
Video #7: Hand Weights
Education Class Schedule
February 2025

March 2025