July 11, 2023
Regional Children's Centre: Summer Donation
Children and youth taking part in the summer programming at our Regional Children's Centre are in for the best season ever thanks to a generous donation from local families.
Members of the RCC Family Engagement Council, along with their families and friends, collected dozens of toys, craft, educational, and snack items to support the summer Intensive Treatment Services (ITS) program at RCC. Full story.
July 7, 2023
ArcelorMittal Windsor Equipment Donation
The Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Foundation would like to recognize ArcelorMittal Windsor (formerly DNN Galvanizing and DJ Galvanizing) for their continued efforts in giving back to the Windsor-Essex community and supporting patient care at HDGH. Full story.
December 4, 2020
Changing Lives Together 50/50 Winner Announced
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) is excited to announce the Grand Prize Winner of our inaugural Changing Lives Together 50/50! The west-end community-based hospital’s fundraiser went live Monday, November 2 with the hopes of raising significant funds needed to support its Foundation and ultimately patient-care. Full story.
November 23, 2020
Changing Lives Together 50/50 Early Bird Winner Announced
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) is excited to announce the Early Bird Winner of our inaugural Changing Lives Together 50/50! The west-end community-based hospital’s fundraiser went live Monday, November 2 with the hopes of raising significant funds needed to support its Foundation and ultimately patient-care. Full story.

November 17, 2020
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare continues 34-year tradition of 2020 Tree of Lights Campaign
Continuing upon a steadfast 34-year holiday tradition, today Windsor’s west-end community-based hospital Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and its Foundation launched the annual Tree of Lights Campaign. In years past, an event where HDGH staff and family would have traditionally gathered in its main lobby emotionally reading and placing an ornament in remembrance of a loved one, this year safety precautions set forth because of COVID-19 have required a unique change. Full story.

November 13, 2019
Sharing our Hearts: 33rd Tree of Lights Campaign to support Cardiac Wellness Services
During the official launch of the 33rd Annual Tree of Lights Campaign, attendees heard from Dave, a current patient with the Cardiac Wellness Maintenance Program, where he is able to maintain his new state of health after suffering a heart attack in November 2018. His care at HDGH's Petro Family Exercise Centre was all-encompassing; through physical activity he strengthened his body, through educational courses he broadened his knowledge, through nutritional classes he fueled his hunger, and through support from staff and fellow patients he gained motivation and healed his heart. Full story.
November 6, 2019
Solcz Family Foundation Makes Transformational Donation to Support Virtual Care Solution for Those Experiencing Substance Use Disorders
As a result of a transformational $350,000 donation made by the Solcz Family Foundation to the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) Changing Lives Together Foundation, HDGH and the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) announced the future availability of Breaking Free™ Online, a virtual care solution for those experiencing substance use disorder in Windsor-Essex. Full story.
October 24, 2019
The Petro Family Exercise Centre
A week after HDGH’s Rehabilitation and Wellness Centre was officially renamed The Petro Family Exercise Centre, serving our cardiac and pulmonary patients, Jason Petro is still in awe and wants to share this accomplishment with everyone who helped make his dream a reality. Full story.
June 23, 2019
Probert Ride Surpasses 1 Million Dollars in Support of Local Cardiac Care
For almost a decade, more than 1,300 riders, sponsors and volunteers have been eager to take part in one of the largest charity events in Windsor-Essex. Honouring father, husband, son and late Detroit Red Wing and Chicago Blackhawks player, Bob Probert, The Bob Probert Ride has brought hockey and motorcycle fans together in support of Cardiac Care in Windsor-Essex. Full story.
June 17, 2019
Strength in partnership shows as golfers tee off at 2nd Annual Charity Golf Classic
A longstanding partnership between local non-profit In Honour of the Ones We Love, Inc. and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare continues to grow as more than 100 golfers took to Essex golf course today, supporting the hospital's Changing Lives Together Foundation at the 2019 Charity Golf Classic. Full story.
April 24, 2019
Bob Probert Ride surpasses $1 million raised for local Cardiac Services
2019 marks the 9th year of the Bob Probert Ride and this year's ride promises to be even better with an additional level of excitement and pride! At today's launch, the Probert family was joined by friends, family and staff of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare to announce that heading into Ride #9, funds raised to date have officially surpassed the $1 million mark! Full story.

June 25, 2018
Moramos Shrine Club Makes Donation to the Regional Children's Centre
Locally, the Moramos Shrine Club raises significant funds for many programs and organizations that support the health of children. Today, the Moramos Shrine Club presented a cheque for $1,500 in support of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare's Regional Children's Centre. Full story.
June 24, 2018
Tecumseh Arena expansion to house HDGH satellite cardiac services
This Sunday, riders all the way from Colorado to California, took part in the 8th Bob Probert Ride where the Probert Family along with Mayor of Tecumseh, Gary McNamara announced the location of HDGH satellite cardiac services in Tecumseh. Full story.
June 18, 2018
A longstanding partnership makes for a successful Charity Golf Classic
In its inaugural year, In Honour of the Ones We Love Inc. and Changing Lives Together Foundation raised funds for the purchase of a TapeStation 4200, an instrument used by researchers for genetic profiling on cancer biopsies. Full story.
May 30, 2018
Double the thrill; 8th Annual Bob Probert Ride Announces Two Road Captains
At today's launch, the Probert family was joined by friends, family and staff of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare to announce this year's road captains to lead the field of over 1,200 participants. Each year the Bob Probert Ride raises funds for Cardiac Wellness programs in Windsor-Essex. Full story.
May 10, 2018
Rotary Club of Windsor-St. Clair Children's Greenhouse Official Opening
Located in the green space immediately south of the Regional Children's Centre playground equipment abutting the chain link fence backing onto the Emara Building, the 20' by 40' structure will provide a therapeutic environment for special events, plant and vegetable growing and other project opportunities for the youth of our various programs. Full story.

September 5, 2017
New West-End Accessible Play Area the Only of its Kind in Canada
The space once separating Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and the John McGivney Children's Centre has now been transformed into a one-of-a-kind outdoor recreation and wellness area benefitting ages one to 101. Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare has officially named their space the LiUNA!625 Outdoor Recreation and Wellness Centre after the generous contribution by the local labour group. Full Story.

June 27, 2017
Over $22,000 raised for Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab at Inaugural Heart & Soul Walk celebrating the life of Michael C. Rohrer
The family of Michael C. Rohrer were pleased to announce that the May 20th walk saw more than 400 participants and raised a successful $22,103.79 for the Cardiac Wellness & Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Full Story.

May 17, 2017
The Tradition Continues as Probert Ride Kicks-Off 7th Year; Rugged Denfenseman Dave Hutchison to Lead the Pack
Presenting sponsors UNIFOR Local 444 and 2458, HDGH staff, friends and the family of Bob Probert gathered Wednesday morning at Thunder Road Harley Davidson to officially kick-off this year's Bob Probert Ride set to take place Sunday, June 25, 2017. Full Story.