Did you know you could make a difference in the lives of our patients by turning a get together or special occasion into a fundraising opportunity? If you wish to organize a fundraiser that supports Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, email or call (519) 257-5234.
Thank you for your interest in supporting Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) by hosting a third party event. In order to assist you with the planning and execution of a successful event we ask that you read and complete the Third Party Event Protocol and Agreement Form. If you have any questions, please call our office at 519-257-5111, ext. 73859.
A third party event is an activity intended to raise funds in support of HDGH. The primary responsibility for organizing and conducting the event lies with the volunteers and/or staff of the company, organization or group that has been approved to execute the event. The event is promoted to raise funds for the Foundation in support of HDGH.
What the Foundation requests of third party event organizers:
- Contact us to register new events or update us on recurring events. It is important that our organization is aware of all events held on our behalf.
- It is the event organizers responsibility to communicate to sponsors, participants and the general public that HDGH is not conducting the event, but is the beneficiary of the event.
The Foundation can provide the following assistance once your event has been approved by our office:
- Advice and expertise on event planning.
- Attendance of an HDGH representative, when appropriate and available, with advance notice.
- A support letter that validates the authenticity of the event/organizer, from date of issue until the event is complete.
- Limited supplies, such as flyers and other promotional material.
- HDGH will provide the availability of dates within our annual fundraising calendar.
The Foundation cannot provide the following:
- Advance funding and reimbursements for event expenses (these can be taken out of event proceeds by the organizers).
- Donor or sponsor lists.
- Application for gaming licenses, e.g. bingos, raffles, liquor, insurance.
- Tax receipts for cash or in-kind goods that were not directly received by the Foundation (Please also see information on tax receipts).
- Insurance for the event.
Other Guidelines
- All third party events require completion and approval of a Third Party Event Agreement Form.
- All publicity (including media appearances/interviews and releases, print/promotional materials, etc.) for the proposed event must be approved by HDGH prior to be printed, released, etc.
- The HDGH and or the HDGH Foundation name and logo may not be used by a third party/ community event on an ongoing basis (i.e. on website or on promotional material), unless permission has been granted.
- The event organizer will obtain all necessary permits, licenses and insurance for their event.
- All funds and tax receipt information, if approved to issue receipts (i.e. contact information for receipting), must be received by the Foundation within 30 days after the event.
- HDGH shall have the right at any time and for any reason to request that the event organizer/Third Party cease use of the name of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and it's Foundation in connection with the event and the event organizer/Third Party shall use its best efforts to comply with such requests.
- HDGH will not assume any legal or financial liability at a community event.
- HDGH is not responsible for any damage, accidents to persons or property at a community event.
Tax Receipts Guidelines
It is very important that you understand the rules about tax receipts BEFORE you plan your event. For further clarification on what can be receipted, you can speak with an HDGH Foundation representative. It is your responsibility to communicate with donors regarding tax receipts. HDGH will only issue receipts for the amount of the actual donation received by our organization. Tax receipts cannot be issued for funds used to cover the costs of the event or other administrative expenses incurred by the organizer. HDGH is permitted to issue tax receipts to individuals that make a donation without receiving a tangible item or benefit in return. Tax receipts are provided for donations of $20 or more.
Tax Receipts will be issued for Third Party Events:
- Provided the event organizer delivers funds whose total amount is equal to or greater than the cumulative dollar amount of the tax receipts being requested.
- All other Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) conditions are met.
Tax Receipts will not be issued:
- For the purchase of admission tickets, green fees or auction items.
- For sponsorship, as advertising or promotion (a tangible benefit) is being received in return for the payment.
Please note:
Sponsors and other corporate contributors may be provided with a business gift tax letter as proof of contribution. The letter will list our Foundation’s charitable tax number within the body of the text. Often, a charitable receipt is neither required nor appropriate for this group of contributors.