Is anyone attending with you? If yes, please fill out the next section
What are your primary concerns regarding your child's behaviour?
Online programs for parents with children aged 0-12 years old:
Triple P Seminars
Pre-register for one, two, or all three of the following sessions
Tues, 6:00-8:00pm
Executive Functioning Explained – New Sessions
Learn more about executive functioning and how to support your child through practical strategies
Understanding your Children’s Fear & Anxiety
Learn about anxiety and how to help your child reduce worry and develop confidence and coping skills
Exploring How Your Child's Brain Works
This presentation teaches how the brain works in order to respond to children when they are experiencing complex emotions.
Online programs for parents with children aged 6-14 years old:
Triple P Fear Less - 6 week program
Learn more about anxiety and how to help your child or teen reduce worry and develop confidence and coping skills.
Online programs for parents with teens age 10-16 years:
Triple P Teen Discussion Group
Pre-register for one or both of the following sessions
Wed, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Cancelled - Building Teenagers' Survival Skills - Jan 22
Cancelled - Reducing family conflict - Jan 29
Online program for separated or divorced parents:
Triple P Transitions - 5 week program:
Learn ways to promote a healthy transition during separation or divorce for you and your child / teen
Free In Person Regional Children’s Centre Group - 519.257.KIDS (5437)
There is no online registration for this program, please call 519.257.KIDS (5437) to discuss registration. 519.257.KIDS (5437)
Trauma Informed Parenting (TIP) Group For Parents with children 6 -12yrs
Thurs, Nov 7 – Dec 19, 9:30-11:30am
Seven Week Program - Attendance at each session is mandatory for this program .
This group is for caregivers to learn about the impact of trauma on children’s development and to learn strategies to appropriately respond to behavioural and emotional challenges of children who have experienced trauma.
The information provided will be shared with our positive parenting collaborative and providers for the purpose of program coordination, facilitation, delivery, and evaluation. Please contact 519-257-KIDS (519-257-5437) if you have any questions or concerns.