Withdrawal Management Services

Individuals seeking access to Withdrawal Management Services (WMS) will be evaluated for best service by HDGH staff. This service could include an outpatient or community-based withdrawal service, 24/7 supervision in a controlled setting, with or without intensive monitoring for withdrawal-related complications.
Individuals who access WMS will be offered brief supportive motivational counselling, case management, and positive client-centered discharge planning that supports holistic, positive life changes.
Welcome to Withdrawal Management
Welcome to Withdrawal Management
In this tour video, you will be walked through the intake process and what you can expect while receiving treatment
Community Withdrawal Management
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare’s Community Withdrawal Management Services (CWMS) supports those within the community, 12 years of age and older, who prefer to withdraw from alcohol and/or other substances at home or within a safe, supportive environment. An individualized review of the potential for withdrawal complications will determine the safest care setting.
With guidance from a team of Chemical Dependency Counsellors, and Acudetox-Certified staff, services are available for Windsor-Essex, including one part-time staff member based in Leamington. The program offers a number of support services including:
Pre-Withdrawal Planning
- Case coordination
- Navigation with local outpatient addiction medicine clinics, also known as Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine (RAAM) or primary care providers to support medication assisted treatment
- Mutual development of an Individualized Recovery Plan of Care
- Motivational Interviewing
- Naloxone training and distribution
Active Withdrawal Monitoring
- Facilitating any adjustments to the care plan, dependent on the individual’s experience
Stabilization and Aftercare
- Streamlined access to ongoing treatment and recovery services as appropriate, customized around the individual
Referrals to our program can be made by anyone concerned for the well-being of another, however, participation is voluntary. See our referral form for more information.
Contact Information
Youth CWMS (12-24 Years of age) for Windsor-Essex
Phone: 519.796.5131 or 519.796.5147
Windsor (25 Years of age and older)
Withdrawal Management Centre
3740 Connaught Ave.
Windsor, ON N9C 3Z4
Phone: 519.819.7832 or 519.564.6979 or 519.796.5130
Windsor Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Leamington (25 Years of age and older)
South Essex Community Council
215 Talbot St E
Leamington, ON
N8H 3X5
Phone: 519.257.9745
Leamington Hours
Tuesday & Wednesday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Bed-Based Withdrawal Management Services
How to Access Bed-Based WMS Services
For bed availability and general instructions on the admission process please call 519-257-5225. Press 1 for male client bed and press 2 for female client bed. During this phone call eligibility requirements will be discussed.
Length of Stay
You will typically remain in the facility for four to five (4-5) days. You are not allowed to leave and return to the facility during your stay, unless approved by management.
WMS at HDGH are funded by the Ministry of Health. Services are provided at no cost to you upon presentation of a valid OHIP card.
Contact Information
Withdrawal Management Centre
3740 Connaught Ave. Windsor, ON
N9C 3Z4
Visiting Hours
To create an environment that focuses on recovery, while avoiding triggers and distractions, visitors will not be allowed to see clients while in the Centre.
Indigenous Peer Support
As part of our overall goal to provide culturally safe care, Withdrawal Management Services (WMS) offers the opportunity for Indigenous clients to have personalized care and support with the involvement of our Indigenous Peer Support Coordinator.
Services include, but are not limited to:
- Peer support for addiction concerns- active listening and support within the HDGH Bed-based and community WMS programs
- Discuss treatment options and referrals to Indigenous based centers
- Spiritual support, including the facilitation of smudging
- Incorporation of traditional medicine options
- Availability in both the city of Windsor and Essex County with offices in both Windsor and Leamington
- Advocacy or education, in to address any voiced needs, including help in establishing a personalized recovery plan using a client-centered approach

Family members and friends play an important role in patient safety. Encouraging
attendance of appointments, taking medications and asking to be involved in
understanding and facilitating treatment plans is recommended among family
members and friends. If family members and friends have serious concerns
about a loved one’s safety and well-being please utilize emergency (911) or
crisis hotline (519-973-4435) services or locations (nearest emergency room or
crisis centre) as needed. You are always allowed to provide us with
information however we may not be able to relay information/feedback to you
directly. For any important messages the hospital contact information is
provided on this website under the Contacts link.
Thank you for your role in promoting safety.