HDGH-Specific Safety Information and Requirements
For the safety of all, ECPs must remain in designated areas only. If there is a reason to attend a non-public area of the hospital, ECPs must be escorted by an HDGH employee. All ECPs are required to obey posted signs indicating the mandatory use of Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. masks, gloves, gowns, etc.).
Hazardous Materials – applicable if using or handling chemicals while at HDGH
In the event that a ECP will be handling chemicals while at HDGH, the ECP will comply with all aspects of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). When using chemical wipes at HDGH, glove use is mandatory to protect skin from irritation.
Injuries/Illness/First-Aid/Critical Injuries
In the event of illness or injury that occurred at HDGH, all injuries must be reported to the HDGH Unit Manager or in the absence of the Unit Manager, the Responsible Person on the unit or Security.
HDGH Emergency Codes – Approved ECP Responsibility
ECP’s are responsible for making themselves aware of the evacuation plan that exists for the specif ic area where they are visiting. This shall include knowing the particular evacuation plan, emergency exits, gathering location(s) and emergency contact numbers (HDGH’s Emergency Number is extension 3333).
Code Red - Fire Alarm
Code Red is the term to describe a fire emergency in a healthcare facility. An audible fire alarm system indicates that someone has activated a pull station or one or more automatic detection devices has been activated. After activation an announcement will be made stating “Attention all Staff… Code Red Zone XX”. The ECP is then required to refer to the HDGH Fire Zones:
- Withdrawal Management Services - A, B
- East Wing - C
- Casgrain - D, E
- Tower - F, G, H, J
- Phase 1 - K
- RCC Pool - AA
- RCC Huot - Y, Z
- Brown Auditorium - L
- CPH - M
- Power House - N, P
- TNI - Q, R, S
- Emara - T, U, V, X
- RCC Glengarda - BB
Important notes:
- Elevators are not to be used during an active alarm
- In the event of a fire in your fire zone exit the building using the nearest safest exit route and await further instruction
- The ECP will find the fire zone map which is located on the wall in the department that you are visiting. The fire zone maps will identify the appropriate exit routes to follow.
Code Green - Evacuation
- Code Green refers to situations requiring a partial or complete evacuation of a specific HDGH building. In the event of a Code Green, an announcement will be made over the speaker system.
- In the unlikely event that this should occur, ECPs should leave the building in an orderly fashion following the identified evacuation route outlined on the fire zone map and once outside the building will await further instructions from HDGH Security.
- Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by HDGH Security.
Code Lockdown/Code Silver
- A “lockdown warning” differs from any of the standard healthcare colour codes in that it requires an immediate safety response from EVERYONE within the building. A “lockdown warning” indicates that an individual(s) has been identified on our campus/facility actively attempting to harm others.
- In the unlikely event of a lockdown scenario a warning announcement will be made via overhead speakers. At this point the following procedure should be followed:
- If an accessible safe escape path is available, evacuate immediately and flee the area.
- Have escape routes and plans prepared.
- Make your own decision to leave regardless of whether others agree.
- Disregard fire alarms and trust your own judgement.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Warn others as you leave.
- Call 911 (9-911 if using a facility phone) when it is safe to do so.
- Keep your hands visible and follow instructions of law enforcement
- If evacuation is not possible, shelter in a place that you are less likely to be noticed.
- Be out-of-view and barricade your position (i.e., place patient bed with brakes activated against door).
- Hide behind solid walls or in rooms with locking doors as protection.
- Silence your cell phone, turn off noise sources (radio/television), and turn off lights.
- If you choose to, you can assist others with limitations/disabilities in taking cover and hiding.
- Do not exit your safe space unless directed by law enforcement or information received through the HDGH communication system that the “Lockdown” has ended.
- As a last resort, and only if your life is in imminent danger, attempt to incapacitate the assailant.
- Act as aggressively as possible; improvise weapons from the area in which you find yourself
- Commit to your actions
Conclusion of Lockdown
- The lockdown status will only be terminated upon direction from law enforcement
Any questions regarding the information found in this document can be directed to the HDGH Occupational Health and Safety Department at extension 77030.