Service Description
Help for Gambling Problems Begins with a Call
(519) 254-2112
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare's (HDGH) Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency has two types of treatment: Outpatient and Bed-Based. Both of these treatment options offer a focus on both digital dependency and problem gambling.
The Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency provides free, confidential, and professional treatment services to individuals and their family and friends impacted by gambling, gaming, and/or problematic internet use-related concerns.
While the use of technology has brought about some fantastic advances and made certain tasks much easier, the reliance that presents itself has led to skyrocketing rates of digital dependency and addiction. Wearable technology, virtual reality, and smartphones are just some of the devices which have helped “digitized” our lives more than ever before. Given their easy access, these issues affect people of all ages and genders. Problematic digital dependency, namely video games, overuse of smartphones and internet technology, is characterized by unhealthy over-consumption of digital technology.
Our Canadian board-certified counsellors and inter-disciplinary team understand Digital Dependencies and Problem Gambling and are equipped to meet your needs and recovery goals. Our team of qualified professionals embraces a client-centered approach while providing education, harm reduction strategies as well as abstinence from problematic use to help attain a healthy balance and establish boundaries between reality and the cyber world.
The Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency also offers education to the community and health service providers.
What is Gambling?
Any time you bet money or something of value on an event of uncertain outcome, you are gambling. This includes raffles, lotteries, bingo and sports events.
Types of Gambling
When some people think of gambling they think primarily of casinos. In fact, gambling occurs in many forms such as:
- Lotteries
- Casinos
- Bingos
- Scratch tickets
- Pull tabs (Nevada Tickets)
- Race Track betting
- Stock Market speculation
- VLTs and Slot Machines
- Card games
- Sports betting
- Betting on games of skill (pool, golf)
- Internet gambling
How do I Identify a Gambling Problem?
Gambling is a problem when:
- It adversely affects relationships with family and/or friends
- It causes physical and/or mental duress
- It affects you socially
- It affects your employment
- It affects your finances.
Treatment services are funded by the Ministry of Health. Services are provided at no cost to you upon presentation of a valid OHIP card.
For the Family
- At the Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency, we understand how difficult it can be when someone you love gambles or struggles with digital dependency. Our services for family and friends are designed to offer support and education through individual and group counseling programs. A two-day family retreat weekend is also offered for those interested in developing a better understanding of gambling and/or digital dependency.
- Please call 519.254.2112 for further information and the upcoming date of Family Retreats.
55+ Program
- The Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency offers full-service programming specifically designed for 55+ adults and their families. Our specialized 55+ program includes individual assessments, individual and group counselling, couples and family support, treatment, aftercare services, support and information, consultation and referral, and community prevention and awareness education.
- The Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency provides educational presentations, workshops, seminars, and training for professionals with a related interest as well as the community at large.
- Available in Windsor-Essex County (Leamington)
Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency (Windsor)
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
1453 Prince Road
Windsor, ON N9C 3Z4
Phone: 519-254-2112
Fax: 519-254-0093
Email: [email protected]