Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a lifelong, neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the brain and body of people who were exposed to alcohol in the womb (CanFASD,2020). A child with FASD experiences a spectrum of disabilities and will require support throughout his/her life. Some of these disabilities may include:
- Physical: congenital heart disease, impaired hearing/vision, kidney dysfunction, cleft lip, sleeping problems
- Short term memory loss
- Difficulty with planning, organization, or scheduling
- Difficulty with transitions or change
- Expressive language that is out of sync with comprehension
- Difficulty with emotional regulation
- Short attention span/impulsive
- Poor social skills
FASD is a spectrum; not all children with FASD will experience the same disabilities in the same way.
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder program will deliver child/youth and family centered service to children and youth with FASD and/or suspected FASD between 0-18 (21 if in school) and their families within Windsor-Essex County. A formal diagnosis is not required to access our services. As part of this program, you will be connected to an FASD social worker who can assist with the following:
- Creating a support plan for the child with FASD/suspected FASD and family
- Navigating school, health, and social services to support needs of child
- Assisting youth with FASD/suspected FASD with transition planning to adulthood
- Connecting families to disability funding
- Connecting caregivers of child with FASD/suspected FASD to caregiver supports
- Providing FASD education to caregivers and service providers
Families and Service providers can contact 519-257-KIDS (5437) for referral inquiries
This program is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services. There is no cost to you for this service.
Regional Children’s Centre
The George Albert Huot Building
3901 Connaught St., Windsor, Ontario
N9C 4H4
519.257.KIDS (5437)
The FASD team at RCC has various resources for children & youth. Please contact us at 519-257-5215 ext 74012 if you would like a copy of these resources so that the team can set them aside for you.
CSP Toronto Article
ROCK Article - English
ROCK Article - French
Health Nexus Service Provider Training
Duke University Resource for Educators
Canada FASD Research Network
FASD Strategies Not Solutions
Angela Geddes' Podcast
FASDONE ALARMS characteristics of FASD infographic
FASD parent reminders
8 magic keys
FASD Testimonial
CANFASD Mental Health Resource & Practice Guide